Model: (Click to see more) 56706: TamTech-Gear Porsche Turbo RSR
Status: New built
Date: 10-Dec-2017
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How to copy a legend...
As might have been visible already I'm a huge fan of the 58001 models and esp. the Black Porsche.
Now the original one for sure should never make it to the track and even when visitors are
asking if they may touch it or remove the body my heartbeat increases a bit too much.
So of course there is the Black Porsche 2009 Re-release - but mine is NIB and so I thought:
Why not take the Vaillant Tamtech and create a Black Body, that copies my original one as
good as the result and a comparison...
Oh yes: the wheels: Actually these are from the 935 Tamtech - I think they are a bit more similar
than the golden ones - but of course I would prefer the 2009 Rere ones - but I missed to order them, when they
were available.

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