All Rally'ed Up.. Updated Nov 1st 2004..SOLD
I just got this off ebay and it just showed up today. I got this lanca rally for 'Buy It Now' ..It needs some work but I don't care never thought I would ever find one that I could have enough money to buy. It seams to be in very good shape and it is full ball raced with a crp front shock kit on it so the deal got even better now. It also came with a half of a Blackfoot chassis and it is realy odd but there is no marks on the chassis or front arms all the parts are new looking like right off the parts trees same whit the screws new looking like the person never finished it. but anyway i need the screw and some of the other parts so it is all good...
Well with so great help for Josh Rothman I got some new parts and a great new window that is perfect and some new tires also from Josh 'What a Guy' I am nearing the end of this one as always with help from great Tc friends..I have started a new chassis but stwiched it to another project for now...Keep a look out as I go...
Nice found, If you ever need some replacement parts for this newby let me know I have a lot
Nice buy, worth every penny (or should that be cent?) One more to add to frog chassis based collection, how many more you need?
LOL Well Rich now I am down to the Brat and the Frog. Witch I have a brat chassis but it needs just about everything but the chassis..
very nice indeed
Great buy!
Look At Ya!!!!! Great Find!!!!
Rothmans Racing Team
Look at ya! What a suck-up, I already sent the parts! Seriously, it's coming along nicely.
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