TA03 R but not sure which one?
Model: (Click to see more)
88887: Any Tamiya RC Model not listed.
Status: Project
Date: 14-Sep-2004
Comments: 1
Status: Project
Date: 14-Sep-2004
Comments: 1
Won this on eBay along with a Schmacher Axis SST at a very reasonable price.It was originally fitted with the Audi Quattro body thats now on my TA03F,but has since become the Spiritual home of the one and only Flying Hearse! Awaiting servo saver and Rx before she becomes reserve touring car No.2.Currently fitted with Mtroniks Rv15 speedo and PVM 19 Triple motor.

hmmm dodgy pink wheels! Whats with the pink fetish Mark (first the truck and now this
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