Released on Friday and in my hands today(Tues) :-). Couldn't say no to these, well I could but at the price it would have been hard not to ;-). Got 2, so the other half could have her first rc car and I thought that a 380s motor will be fast enough for her.
Nice, Are you the first on here to have a few of the re realease ?? More pics once built ! Assuming that your going to build atleast one of them :'(
Excellent stuff Jimbo. I'me awaiting to get my hands on a lovely pair as we speak. Oh, and I've ordered two Grasshoppers as well
Cool one Roop, we' re gonna have to run them. I wonder how long a set of 3600 cells are gonna last on a 380 motor!
Youve not built one yet?? LOL!! They look ace together lad. Good on ya!
Heh heh, 3600's in a 'hopper. We'd be there all flippin' day...! Hang on, that's cool...!
They don't seem to have the 'limited release item' sticker attached.
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