Subaru Word Tour Comp - Scotland (2nd place entry)
Status: Project
Date: 21-Aug-2005
Comments: 25
Some shots for the Subaru World Tour from around Central Scotland - from the Falkirk wheel (Worlds first and only rotating boat lift) to the Forth Bridges (Scotlands longest suspension bridge and the worlds first and longest cantilever bridge) UPDATE: Now in funky new poster format :-) UPDATE: New Glasgow picture...probably the best known landmark - 5 lanes of stationary traffic. I was planning to take shots of the Glasgow Tower (the tallest rotating tower in the world) and the famous SECC Armadillo but by the time I got even close it was dark :-( UPDATE: Well here is the final line up, the new Brockville Stadium - home of Falkirk Football Team. Let the voting begin! Good luck to everyone that has entered :-) UPDATE: The last one, honest. Went up to Loch Lomond today to help a friend with a boat, so what better chance to get a shot of one of Scotlands most famous Lochs! Found a great jetty, where this picture came from. There were a few good ones this time, and since I can't put them all on here, have a look at the separate Loch Lomond entry in my showroom ;-)

If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
Colin McRae Tribute Car
oooohh nice, love the firsty pic!
Maxxed Ross
Thanks mate, my mum was in a hurry to get to the beach so it was a drop, snap, and run
Wow! Impressive mate! *Much* better than the first lot. Both pics are superb!
Very nice indeed. Looks a bit like the bridge on the river Kwai, i think. Cheers.
Maxxed Ross
cheers, thanks Ben - the last lot were just entered incase the comp started while I was offshore! lol Still have one or two places to do (Ben Nevis isn't going to happen - but I know of another munro that is a bit closer
Very nice pictures again. I like the road bridge photo.
Simply beautiful photos! Drop, snap and run? You must produce your best work 'under pressure.' What is the 'Wheel'?
Maxxed Ross
Thanks for the comments
Yeah it was a true snap and run : ok where will I take it? That rock looks good, ok, *snap*, better get the other one too, *snap*, right lets go! I just hope I don't need additional photo proof...'cos there isn't any! The wheel is the worlds first and only rotating boat lift! I did an entry on it in my showroom so check it out
Rothmans Racing Team
Wow, gorgeous shots fella. You could have just taken a shot next to a full bottle of Scotch. That's landmark-ish enough for me.
Ahhhh, good stuff
Oh, side tracked, great photos!
Maxxed Ross
Hmm problem is it might not stay full long enough for a picture
Going to Glasgow tonight so hopefully I'll have time to get some of the Glasgow landmarks
Like the new 'funky poster format'-- sort of looks like calander shots- Hmmm ... TC calander awards?
Maxxed Ross
Well Glasgow picture posted - hahaha....ha
Malt Man
Ahh the M8 indeed a landmark........failure in traffic control. You should have waited till you got to the kingston bridge then you could have had pretty traffic cones in the photo too. Love the forth bridge pic, great work.
Maxxed Ross
Thanks mate, that one's fooled a few people back home that it's a real car
The M8 is a waste of time any time of the day now. I waited until later to go through but it was still nuts, but I thought the 5 lanes of brakelights summed it up quite nicely
Very nice update, great photos
Amazing foto's professional job
Maxxed Ross
Thanks, it was great fun doing them
I agree - best batch of photos by far! (Can I have the hi-res copies..?
Maxxed Ross
Sorry Ben, my camera is quite old so that's as good as they get. They look fine as a desktop wallpaper
Too small for my desktop, though - who runs 800x600 these days
Maxxed Ross
I do!!!! lol
that is so cool..i love the last picture
Maxxed Ross
Well I suppose 2nd place is respectable
Well justified I think - well done!
Maxxed Ross
Thanks Ben - well done on 3rd spot by the way
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