Model: (Click to see more) 99999: Misc.
Status: Extra info
Date: 2-Oct-2005
Comments: 2
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this is a nice car boot find £6 ! its a late 70s early 80s tandy job.It has sound effects working lights incredable build quality the likes of which you rarley see,It weighs about 4 kilos!!! and is fully proportional.Also very well detailed like the tamiya styrene hard shells. nikko read em and weep.Its not quick but still fun on my patio :)




Just thought I'd mention that this car may well have been manufactured by Nikko. Most of the cars sold by Tandy/Radio Shack were manufactured by either Taiyo or Nikko (both of which are very old Japanese toy companies that have been around nearly as long as Tamiya), and rebadged as Tandy. Nothing wrong with this - it just means that Tandy acted as the sales arm of Nikko and Taiyo during the 80s. And both Nikko and Taiyo were known to have made some great little cars over the years. - H.



On further resarch you were close Hibernaculum but it's a Radio Tron/Matsushira from 1982/83 which is great because I am looking for a similar car made about the same time by the same company called the winch. Its a red jeep/landcruiser released at the same time as the Knightrider KITT rc car. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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