Model: (Click to see more) 99995: Motors
Status: Extra info
Date: 25-Jan-2006
Comments: 3
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I've wanted one of these for ages, and now have one thanks to someone on another forum I frequent. And at a bargain basement price for a barely used example.

Just the job for re-conditioning all my poor worn out motors that I punish so much.




Looks like a very interesting contraption you've got there Cliff!. What exactly does it do?



When you've run your favourite motor ragged in all conditions the commutator gets all pitted and burned. this device enables you to skim the surface of the comm' and get it back to mint again,and then fir a new set of brushes and you're ready to rag around once more in your favourite runner



does that mean i can sub out some of the KB skimming to you next time cliff?? lol

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