Model: (Click to see more) 58034: Super Champ
Status: Project
Date: 27-Mar-2006
Comments: 4
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Oh, NO, not another Super Champ...Is this guy nuts..Yes..I put this together from spare parts over the week end..EN plated most everthing except the Chassis..ON this Champ I did the gears in EN to add some wear characturastics and natural lubrisity..Use CRP rear axils..The Twinset Chassis..Hey Andy no holes for the front servo, lol..I guess everyone is using these for SS, RR and XLT...I will drill the hole today and wire it up..Front shocks are some kind of CRP aftermarket, not too where near a good as the old coil overs..I am using the original springs and these as decorations..Now this is pretty trick..I have the Kyosho Mayham motor with the last of my tranny extenders..No rear shock on this Champ..Retro fitted some RC-10..A little short on travel but I am not going rock climbing..The Cage is an old, CRP or Some other guys from back in the day...I will use a proline front bumper..All I have is new SRB bumbers and this is a runner..This is the Second Super Champ runner..I am going to make two more and test all four..The next one will be a total metal tranny using a Trinity Motor and an ESC...I will put this on one of my Aluminum Chassis..The last one will be a new built..Exactly the way Mr. Tamiya made them..Anyway I will post the final pictures tomorrow after I take it for a ride....Today I retro fitted a Mad Fighter body to the super champ runner..I will do a sepreate showroom the on the conversion..Hope to run the car tomorrow morning after all the paint drys..




looks the bizzz mate. keep it up



Looking good Jerry

Sorry about the servo hole, never had an SC chassis to see where it should go

Nice idea with the endbell cover spacer!



Looks great Jerry. What kind of body will you use?

Woober Goober


Beautiful Jerry!!!! Are you sure you dont need to adopt another son?? Oh, by the way........Gold closed at $573.10 an ounce today!!!!!!!

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