Never Meet Your Heroes
I always wanted a Bullhead since I was a kid, but Mum and Dad would not buy me one as I had the Blackfoot. So as soon as I saw one going cheap on Ebay I snatched it up. I started as usual by stripping cleaning and painting it, replacing the red chassis with a black Clod one and renewing a few broken parts. I have not yet ran this car properly as it has a mind of its own and tends to just stick in top speed and make a run for it. I also need to upgrade the steering servo as the one it has wouldn’t turn the page of a book! So it is still work in progress really, I am also fitting lights all round. Will update when its done.....

That looks soooo much better than the box art. whose idea was a red chassis anyway ??
never liked the red chassis. it looks GREAT in black!
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