Model: (Click to see more) 58016: Sand Scorcher
Status: Restored
Date: 4-Dec-2006
Comments: 10
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Although I earlier never owned a SS, I must say that having one now is great. The model is the most known RC model in the world (ok, among us inn the 30+...) and it looks great. The classic Beetle Baja body is really nice and detailed as I like it.

My SS is built from mainly used parts. The body had a few cracks at the rear body mount, and the nose cone a few more cracks. The windows and radio box has been polished and polished again.

All the chassis aluminum as been bead-blasted to a very nice finish, and then all the other bits and pieces has been taken from a number of donor cars/wrecks.

The body needed all new lenses, so repro ones came from Rcgrabbag along with repro liscense plates. All the body chrome is new from an original C-tree (lucky ebay find...)

As some of you might notice, painting is not my strongest side. Maybe not painting, but in this case masking... I feared the SS masking before I started the project, and I still do... Nevertheless I think it looks good enough for an ethernal life on the shelf, especially with the TC repro decals.

Finaly, sorry for the pics, my camera performed worse and worse, and now it is completely blown, so a new one is needed. Pics will be uptdated.

If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
I thought I did not like Sand Rovers... (new pics 06/2009)

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