Model: (Click to see more) 58065: Clod Buster
Status: Recent find
Date: 13-Jan-2003
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I got dragged to my Mother in laws WI christmas bazaar where they had charity stall and as i walked around completely bored out of my skull i saw this clodbuster under the table,When i asked the old lady how much she replied £3.00 pounds,After i picked my self up i paid for and then she said i think these come with it and in the bag were three batteries and a transmitter and a charger,When i got home i charged a battery and away it ent it worked perfectly,Apart from a tatty body the rest of the truck is in excellent condition,Because i already have a mint clodbuster i am going to use this one for screaming around my garden chasing the dog,From now on im going to all the WI Events you never no?


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