Model: (Click to see more) 56305: Mercedes Benz 1838LS
Status: Restored
Date: 13-Jan-2007
Comments: 1
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Well after having this truck since new in 1995 [so 12 years of owning the 1838] I thought it was time to give it a full rebuild. Having got some carson hop ups from my trip to germany and collecting many spares, it was time to give it a clean. I have still yet to mount the MFU inside the cab (Planning on keeping the drives seat). I Have however remade the tank where the control panel fits to give it a fuller fit, the receiver is also mounted inside here. My orignal colour was based on a herpa model I have had for ages. I have now finally also made it look closer with the bullbars and rear stacks :). I am some much happier with it now, it's no longer the rough truck in the collection :)

With the herpa version. My custom MFU tank, with receiver inside. Rear stack mounts. The custom Tank with MFU control and receiver

If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
My very first truck




i was just going to say wiking did a merc that colour till i saw the second pic ,looks great

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