Fairlady 240Z Circuit 20 Kyosho 京商
Kyosho did a fantastic job in the early 80's in designing and detailing this rally car. I just painted a new body for it from my repro bodies and applied my repro decals, I also added my repro radio boxes.
If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
Circuit 20 Series all of them Kyosho 京商
Superb car ! One of my favourite Kyosho cars. Wished i had one in this condition.
nice very nice
The Dodge
Very nice result, well worth the hours it no doubt took to produce the shell and decals. One of the rarest models on the site, especially in this condition Nice work
Your work is outstanding!!
Thats very cool, looks like new!
Amazing that you can do even repros of the body and the radio box. Very nice work!
I have one of these sets and they are 100 times better in person than in pictures. Another one will be gracing these pages soon thanks to your fine effort, cheers mate!
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