Wild 'Thing' Willy - Alvado style
A good friend of mine, and also a TC member (the green beetle/Alvado) restored this willy for me. When i bought it, it had a Marlboro theme paintjob. Allthough the design/idea of the marlboro theme was pretty good, the paintjob was not so i wanted to remove it and fix it up. Because my friend is crazy about the older/vintage models he asked if he could restore this one for me wich i thought was a great idea.
Well here are the results. You might be wondering why he put some stickers of the comic character 'The Thing' on it. Well it's because I used to love reading comics (still do) and The Thing is one of my alltime favorites....as you could probably see in the last picture. ;)
So a BIG thank you to my goodfriend Alvado for taking the time and effort to restore this one for me.....I am very happy with this one. :)
If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
Wild Willy 1 Action shots
Very nicely done. Great colour too.
the green beetle
Your welcome D,i'm glad you like it.looking forward to see it running!!!!!
Looks great, very well done paint job.
Can't take credit for this one but thx guys.
@Green Beetle - As soon as I have made some new batteries for it.....'it's clobbering time!' Let's meet up soon.....I want to test drive this thing.
Very nice!
Crash Cramer
Looks like The Thing has a bit of a wee willy.LOL
What a nice refreshing color
Awesome, great colour and detail
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