Model: (Click to see more) 58175: Honda S800 Racing
Status: Restored
Date: 1-Aug-2007
Comments: 5
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Yeah! I started out in 1997 with an Fiat Abarth which I drove hard...the poor thing suffered a lot, but will be completely fresh.

After the New built Alpine joined the Abarth, there was only one left to get the rear-wheel drive M02 threesome complete. And there it was in NS...all the way on the other side of the planet, but I bought it...when it arrived the chassis was F*&ked, but with nice new parts It came back to life.

I added some nice alloys and will give it even more attention, just as long to get it perfect.

1 THREESOME finally complete!!! 1 I have a new Abarth body waiting... 1 still need to cut the body posts...I know... onboard antenna from Japan.

If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
Nice Alpine A110 NEVER RUN.




Cool trio ! They look soooo cute together that you just have to love em. Nice collection.



thanks! nice comment!



These 3 are my fav. M chassis cars. I must say I am most fond of the FIAT...



Nice looking car lot. I'd take the Albarth over the other 2.



One of the best threesome ever seen! Thanks for the advice regarding my F103GT! I hope to own an Alpine someday too..

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