Model: (Click to see more) 58111: Toyota 4x4 Pickup Mountaineer
Status: Parts
Date: 7-Sep-2007
Comments: 6
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Limited Release from Tamiya at a Model Show in Japan. Just had to have one in my collection really... Sure to become 'Highly Collectable' in years to come. (Rumour has it that the complete batch Sold Out with-in 10 mins..?) Just never thought I'd see the day when a NIB Mountaineer Body Set would be available! This one is going to stay NIB. I also have the Limited Edition mounts (Not Pictured) to mount this body on a F-350 Hi-Lift chassis.

Please be aware that this is the original vintage Mountaineer bodyset, NOT the same one as comes with the new Hi-Lux Hi-Lift.

Just look at all that Tamiya-Goodness Bit plain Box-Art, but who cares?!!


Chain Driven


Drool, drool....good feeling to have one isn't it Dunk??? ;o) Jerome



you cant keep it all locked up and NIB set it freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!



Box looks good enough to me! Great find!



I got one but need cash so its all split up and on ebay



That's a shame Luke, But it makes complete NIB sets like mine even more rare! (The more sets that are broken up, the more scarce the complete sets will become, Thus adding value to them.)



What a shame it was limited there must be loads of us that would have bought a set . From the pictures i have seen of this body on a high lift it dont look quite right to me .

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