Model: (Click to see more) 58062: Hotshot II
Status: New built
Date: 11-Sep-2007
Comments: 5
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Built this car in 1989 for my brother, who bought it and was not so skilled in building RC-models. After that it slept in his attic until he found it again 2 years ago and gave it to my collection. As you can imagine i was very pleased about it! The Hotshot I rerelease will be the next to buy.


Crash Cramer


looks better in red than I expected.



How did you get it to sit so high? My Hotshot I sits at about half that height.



That´s standard for HS II, i built it as the manual shows.
maybe it will get lower when used.

Crash Cramer


Do you remember the shade of red you used?? Is it a Tamiya color I hope??? Thanks, almost done with mine and might want to steal your color idea.



Hi Crash ! I think it has to be PS-2. Sent you a seperate msg.

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