In Car shots...
Dan came over to work through our painting tutorial and took an opportunity to take a photo of our Scorcher head painted in a car... Unfortunately my painting of my FAV isn't quite up to matching the level of the head... I'm going to have to work through all my cars now!!! Head is just sitting there without nut underneath... Got a sneaky pic of Dan away without him noticing...
If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
Painted Albert!
thats a nice bit of head well done.
Excellent stuff! But you are right - the rest of the drivers bodies that have these heads will need some serious work.
We'll get right onto it! I'll give you an update on that item you lent me!!!
Capt Splatt
There's a tute coming??! Brilliant. With a bit of knowledge and only 100 years of trying I might be able to paint like that too. I notice that to old FAV has no lights, I this guy.... hang on...
Crash Cramer
That is a serious driver now, good luck on repainting your entire collection.
That guy is so real looking!
Man, I dont think there are too many cars on TC painted to the 'Dan-level'. WOW- awesome work guys!
No way is that a real head with some Beetle juice magic dust LOL
that is awsome well done
WOAH!! That is amazing work, he even has a 5o'clock shadow
Ah... but have you got Dan to buy any RC cars yet?
Pic #2 could easely be a cut in from a real drivers head!!! Awesome paintjob!!! And yes, the rest isn't ....
big bird
WOW! The detail in the drivers face is amazing.When you take this up for a living let me know.I will put some work your way
rally fan
Great job, looks perfect.
Old Skool
Wow now that is some super detail I need to learn to paint like that
It looks like Dennis Hopper....right?
great work i love the detail in that mans face very realistic .
Oh my!!! That is fine work. Looks incredible.
Wow... Looks way too real
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