Model: (Click to see more) 58171: BMW 318I STW
Status: Project
Date: 2-Aug-2009
Comments: 10
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This arrived yesterday and I am very happy with the condition for the price. My idea was to strip the paint and do a lookalike if my dads M3 but I feel a bit guilty now as these are like hens teeth at the moment. I is probably Tamiya paint whats the best way to strip this shell Oven cleaner, Dot 3 or just give it a cleen and leave as is?

Thanks for your help guys

If you liked those pictures, you should see these...
Dad^s M3 Evo




Dont use brake fluid on lexan it eats through it if your not carefull i also believe oven cleaner is only for abs plastic shells .Not sure what is best but i am sure someone else will .

tuff bug


Thanks amiga Im not in a hurry she looks good like this for the time being



I used 20% nitro fuel on my 2001 Skyline TA04 with excellent results, it just requires patience.



Nitro fuel is supposed to be the hot trick for paint removal on lexan, but I haven't tried it. Also some companies make paint remover for lexan (Carson, LRP?).

tuff bug


Thank you so much guys. I think Nitro will be the obvious choice!

tuff bug


should I make a point of avoiding the windows with Nitro?



tamiya paints are made to resist nitro fuel.. If i were you i'd leave it this way. way to risky to try all kinds of chemicals. most leave white clouds and/or make the lexan very brittle



Leave as is for sure - (or send it to me Love these cars !!

Victorious Secret


Oh Brother Tuff Bug~ I know how you feel~ If I have this Beemer I would do the same and just keep it like the way it is~ Judging from the work of the previous owner I think he did a great job on the shell~

tuff bug


I think I may keep as is and use as a classic runner

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