Model: (Click to see more) 99983: Associated
Status: Project
Date: 10-Aug-2009
Comments: 0
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Still a work in progress but almost done. I built this with my 11 year old son. We wanted a more realist version of the original Real Racing chassis from the early 90's. He's getting into the vintage RC stuff and this car will become his. We actually used parts for from a 1922 Remington typewriter for the suspension brackets and shock towers. Its all brazed together using a Smith jewelers torch.

I welcome your feedback both good or bad. Daniel

Update: Aug 11 2009.
I just wanted to add a few things.
*Wheels. No ideal who did them. A few sets came up on eBay about 3 years ago and I havent seem them again since.
*Drive. Its a carbon fiber Track Master. Fairly hard to get now days. I see the aluminum ones but rarely this version.
*A-Arms. Andy's
*Steering. HoleShot ProSteer, heavily modified. Its an on-road setup drastically narrowed to squeeze under the frame tubes.
*Shocks. The rear and shortened about 7/8' the front were lengthened 1/4'.
*Frame. Real Racing frame was the inspiration but we wanted to ditch the ugly nose plate and fiberglass towers. Also wanted to drop as much of the nylon as possible. Overall we added 9 oz to the total car weight by building the chassis from steel. Just a fun fact. Since we recycled allot of the steel the total cost of the chassis was about $15.00. Parts on the other hand, well I would be embarrassed to say just how much those wheels cost. 8D

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