Welcome to tamiyaclub.com User Agreement

We strongly recommend that your read the following statement which explains the use of this site and our respective legal positions.

Basically on the upside tamiyaclub.com agree never to pass on your information to anyone else, except in the situation where tamiyaclub.com is merged with or bought out by another company.

You use this site is 'as is' we offer no guarentees regarding it services, availability or the quality of the information contained on it. Each member of the site is responsible for thier own information which does not reflect the views or beliefs in anyway of the owners of tamiyaclub.com. By signing up for the service you agree to recieve email updates directly related to the site, whenever required. Any disputes about trades arising from the use of this site are between you and the buyer or seller, tamiyaclub.com offer no guarentees of items traded via this site.Any miss-use of this site as defined below will result in immediate closure of member service.



"the service" is deemed to be the online service as provided by tamiyaclub.com under the www.tamiyaclub.com URL. "content" is deemed to be any information, mode of expression, or other material and services found under the www.tamiyaclub.com URL. a "user" is deemed to be any person utilising any of the content under the www.tamiyaclub.com URL or the service in general.


By using the service, you are agreeing to be bound by all of these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by the following, you should not register with or continue to use the service beyond this point. If you are already registered you must contact the service administrators at admin@tamiyaclub.com and request to be de-registered from the service. Tamiyaclub.com reserves the right to change these terms and and conditions at any time without prior notice. Any updated terms and conditions will be posted on the forums. Your continued use of the service means you accept these terms and conditions and agree to regularly check for, read and understand any future changes as soon as possible after they are made available for viewing in the forums. If you do not wish to agree to any future version of these terms and conditions, you agree to contact the administrators of the service at admin@tamiyaclub.com and request de-registration.

By registering, you certify that all information you provide in the registration is accurate. Users may only maintain one registration. In other words, it's one registration per person. By accepting this agreement, you certify that you have no more than one registration with the service.


Except as expressly detailed in this agreement, all of the content on this site is the property of tamiyaclub.com and is protected by UK and International copyright laws. This includes discussion boards, chat, software, our writings, graphics and any and all other features found on the site. Our content is intended for individual, personal use only. Copying, modification or dissemination and distrubution either electronically or in print of these materials is strictly prohibited without prior permission of tamiyaclub.com admin.

The various Tamiya build manuals, advertisements and information leaflets provided for download on the site remain the sole property of Tamiya Incorporated and its subsidiaries and are provided for personal use only. Copying, modification or dissemination and distrubution either electronically or in print of these materials is strictly prohibited.

The web site may provide links to other web sites, the content of which is not under our control. Accordingly we cannot accept any responsibility for the materials featured on such web sites. Links to such sites are not to be taken as an endorsement of such web sites or as a warranty that such web sites will be free of viruses or other such items of a destructive, offensive or undesirable nature.

Please note that any goods and services supplied or made available through this site or through sites which are linked to this site are supplied by third parties and not by us (unless stated otherwise). Any dealings between you and such third parties, including payment for and delivery of products or services and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations, acts or omissions associated with such dealings, are solely between you and the third party. You agree not to hold us liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as the result of any such dealings.


Tamiyaclub.com encourages active and open debate among members. All that we ask is that it's done in a lawful and civil manner. Be it posting on the boards or using the service to email another user directly. Accordingly, you agree to use the service for lawful purposes only. You may not use, or allow others to use, your membership to:

  • Post or transmit any content that is abusive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, harassing, or defamatory or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person;
  • Post or transmit any material that you do not have a right to transmit under law (such as copyright, trade secret or securities) or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (as in nondisclosure agreements);
  • Post, transmit, or link to material with sexual content of any kind, including but not limited to images containing nudity, near nudity, overtly suggestive, sexual acts etc.
  • Impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with anyone or entity;
  • Post or transmit any advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of solicitation including chain letters or pyramid schemes;
  • Collect or store personal data about other users;
  • Post or transmit any file that contains viruses, corrupted files, "Trojan Horses," or any other contaminating or destructive features that may damage someone else's computer
While we can't review all transmissions by our users, tamiyaclub.com reserves the right to monitor any information transmitted or received through our service. tamiyaclub.com reserves the right to review, remove, or otherwise block any post or terminate your membership for violating the above provisions at any time without prior notice.

You are responsible for all statements made and acts that occur through the use of your membership and password. Please don't disclose your password to anybody. If your password has been stolen, you must let administrators of the service know immediately.


In the event of a breach of this agreement - and a loss being suffered as a consequence - tamiyaclub.com will look to hold the user responsible for reasonable losses.


We do not warrant that the web site, its content, or the server that makes it available, are error or virus free or free of other harmful components or that your use of this web site will be uninterrupted. If you are dissatisfied with the web site or any content or materials on it, your sole exclusive remedy is to discontinue your use of the web site by requesting de-registration with admin@tamiyaclub.com.

Tamiyaclub.com cannot and does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the news or editorial content found on our site. You understand and acknowledge that information posted or transmitted by other users are the sole responsibility of the person from which such material originated. Tamiyaclub.com takes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or even truth of the information posted.

Tamiyaclub.com shall not be liable for any decision made or action taken by you or others based upon reliance on news published by Tamiyaclub.com. We rely on various sources of information that we believe to be accurate and reliable.

Tamiyaclub.com take no responsibility for nor accept any liability for the addition of copyrighted, illegal, defamatory, pornographic, distasteful, threatening, obscene or damaging content by users. The addition of such material is strictly prohibited and action will be taken against users uploading or linking to such material and any other material that contravenes the USER CONDUCT terms.

Tamiyaclub.com is not affiliated with or supported in any way by the Tamiya Incorporated, Japan or any of its subsidiaries throughout the World.

Any brand names, logos, service marks, trade marks or other material provided by the service are � Copyright their respective copyright owners.


Tamiyaclub.com will not disclose any of your personal information you provide us as part of your membership registration except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, for example if required by law, or if the club is taken over by another organisation. Tamiyaclub.com does not sell or rent user information to anyone without explicit permission.


To ensure the forums remain a fun place to be, without over regulation, we ask you to abide to the following guidelines: You will not use the forums to post any material which is knowingly defamatory, inaccurate, obscene, threatening or an invasive of a person's privacy or in violation of the law. Please treat people with the same level of respect you'd like to receive yourself. The theme or content of postings can easily be misunderstood by others; this is why there are Smilies or Emoticons for your use - please use them! Please don't name and shame companies or individuals with which you've had a bad experience. Please only post adverts in the 'Trade' sections. Messages should only be posted once. We ask that you don't post the same message in more than one forum. Please don't promote your business without our consent.


Tamiyaclub.com reserves the right to revoke any registration and remove any content at it's sole discretion without notice.