6/26/2005 12:34:43 PM
Member RidesNIB The Grasshopper
Takes me back 20 years
6/28/2005 4:47:27 PM
Thank you Tamiya
6/30/2005 3:25:02 AM
Just got this today
7/4/2005 7:40:19 PM
OOOOO, new from Japan
7/16/2005 5:27:34 PM
7/28/2005 8:22:31 PM
7/28/2005 8:23:51 PM
Re-release #1......It is impossible to not want one of these babies - and they are so CHEAP!
8/8/2005 9:36:55 AM
MAybe 2 is bordering on obsession - but hey - I dont drink or smoke!! :)
8/8/2005 9:39:33 AM
Could not resist!
8/13/2005 9:37:11 AM
9/3/2005 5:15:45 PM
Finally you hopped back
9/7/2005 8:12:18 PM
9/9/2005 8:46:19 AM
Re Release Grasshopper
10/7/2005 1:12:40 AM
re-issue hopper
10/8/2005 4:43:14 PM
Grasshoppers in Liverpool model shop at last!
12/8/2005 1:01:42 AM
Nice rear tyres.....
1/2/2006 8:21:26 PM
Another Re-Release Purchase....
3/21/2006 4:11:57 AM
A classic
7/24/2006 10:48:38 AM
8/1/2006 10:37:46 PM