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About OnTheTrail

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    PA US

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  1. Looking for a Tamiya logo for my diorama but it needs to be fairly large. I only need one or two of the logos so I don't feel like spending $10 on a set if the correct size isn't there. I'm not able to find a size description of the MM023 sheet to get an idea on how large the decal is. Thx....
  2. Looks like you need a servo saver to protect your servo saver!
  3. ^^This^^ If you like to trail the rig as well as rock crawl, I'd recommend two speed and the locking diffs (just avoid the "High Trail" versions if you want to crawl). I have a decked out Defender and a virtually bone sock 2021 Bronco. Both great performance and only issue was a stock ESC on the Defender (Replaced with a HW1080) but otherwise amazingly tough.
  4. I just saw this recently announced accessory addition for RC4WD. Supposed to be 1/10th scale as is your FMS FJ but we all know not everything in this hobby is correct with their "scale math". I'm going to order one as I'm sure something I have is would be a good fit for this. https://store.rc4wd.com/rc4wd-driver-figure-molded-parts-tree.html
  5. Street price is $379 USD. I wanted to get a hold of a vintage RC10 so bad. Then the release......then the release price.
  6. If you want scale military, take a look at the King Kong 6x6. Amazon here in the US sell the chassis only which would be perfect since you want to do a scratch body. https://www.amazon.com/Kingkong-RC-ZISL-151-Soviet-Chassis/dp/B08BHT95MS/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=2Laoi&content-id=amzn1.sym.3c3990c3-513c-4686-8d92-a42b4095cecb%3Aamzn1.symc.8b620bc3-61d8-46b3-abd9-110539785634&pf_rd_p=3c3990c3-513c-4686-8d92-a42b4095cecb&pf_rd_r=5XRNMRJT8EJGG96KHYZZ&pd_rd_wg=LwGhh&pd_rd_r=030927d7-c101-471f-9d4c-ba4c0e06b37a&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_d That said, unless I'm missing something, from what I can tell from the link you provided, the Leyland is a not a 6x6 but rather a 6x4.
  7. There's no such thing as "completed household works". Your wife will just advance them to phase II, III, IV etc.....
  8. The BBX is substantially larger that the poly beetle or the SS Beetle bodies. Not sure how either could work.
  9. Very impressive. Next time my family goes on vacation, would you mind giving some pointers to my wife and daughter on how to pack luggage?
  10. Are some of those 50 cars Matchbox cars by chance? 50? Wow....very impressive.
  11. Personally I'd stick with using tools to fix this. The more you stress the suspension parts to force it in the more likely they'll fall out next time. Oh, and avoid curbs too! LOL
  12. My Alfa GTA body set finally came in this week to my LHS. Also my first BL motor and esc for the car side of the hobby. Going into Slash. Bunch of friends are running them in a parking lot Friday nights. Lots of fun.
  13. I'd agree but technically since the Rough Rider started it all you could say that about any Tamiya 2wd buggy including the Wild One.
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